Nacao For The Environment (5)

NACAO for the environment

The second international meeting of partners involved in the implementation of the NACAO project took place in Jyvaskyla, Finland.

Representatives of regional institutions from six European countries participated in a thematic seminar on methods of offsetting carbon dioxide emissions in nature and in a study visit to local forest areas, combined with a meeting at the Finnish Forest Center. During the meeting, the Partners shared good practices related to their experiences in setting courses of action aimed at achieving carbon neutrality and the efficient use of biological resources in terms of carbon dioxide emissions.

The Świętokrzyskie Region was represented by representatives of the Department of Investment and Development and the Department of Nature and Climate, as well as a representative of the Świętokrzyskie and Nadnidzia Landscape Parks Complex, who presented during the seminar the assumptions and current effects of the project ‘Renaturization of the inland delta of the Nida River’ implemented by ZŚNPK as part of the LIFE Program.

The ‘NACAO – Nature-based Carbon Offsets’ project is implemented under the Interreg Europe 2021-2027 program and financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The project partners are the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship – the Department of Investment and Development in cooperation with the Department of Nature and Climate.

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