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A Leap in the Fourth Dimension

The real treasure is kept in two 18th century tenement houses at the market square in Jędrzejów in the Świętokrzyskie voivodship. It is the world’s third collection of sundials and gnomonic devices.

The Museum of Clocks is established and run by The Przypkowski family. They collected hundreds of exhibits including sundials, sandglass, chronometers, mechanical watches, astronomic devices. One of the most valuable objects is the sundial made by Erazm Habermel.

The collection of the old prints, with over 600 volumes, includes works signed by famous astronomers, such as Hevelius, Decartes and Huyghens. A real gem of the collection is “De revolutionibus orbium coelestium” by Copernicus, released in 1566, containing the heliocentric theory.

It is also worth seeing the collection of graphics and bookplates from 16th to 21st century and the interior of the house filled with works of art.
