
“Wine Agritourism” – a New Tourist Trend

According to connoisseurs, Polish wine is palatable, original and aromatic, with a hint of freshness. Wine-making has been revived in the Świętokrzyskie voivodship.

There is a rich tradition of wine-making in Poland. The historical records mention of numerous vineyard in the vicinity of Sandomierz and Zawichost. The owners of these grounds build upon the experience of the winemakers from the Rhine and the Moselle area. The closeness of the river mitigated the climate of this area, providing good conditions for faster ripening of the grapes.

Unfortunately, political and economic turbulences caused that the crisis came after years of prosperity. In the 1990s, viniculture has been reintroduced in this region, linking it with tourism.

Złota near Sandomierz, Daromin in the Wilczyce municipality, Staszów and the environs of Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski – are the places where small family-run wineries operate, making wine with great passion. The owners encourage tourists to watch manufacturing process and taste different varieties of wine: bianca, hibernal, muscat, regent, zwaigelt etc.