eksponaty w muzeum lat szkolnych Stefana Żeromskiego

At School with the Great Polish Writer

What school and study looked like in the second half of the 19th century? You can find it out visiting the Museum of Stefan Żeromski’s School Years in Kielce.

The official opening of the Museum of Stefan Żeromski’s School Years took place in June 1965. The museum is located in the part of the former school building. Here, in the years 1874-1886 the biggest writer of the Świętokrzyski region, Stefan Żeromski, was studying. Aleksandra Dobrowolska, a curator in the Świętokrzyskie Museum suggested creating literary museum in that place. She had already had some experience in organizing exhibitions devoted to famous writers – Henryk Sienkiewicz and Jan Kochanowski.

The display includes Stefan Żeromski’s childchood in Strawczyn and Ciekoty, school years in Kielce and some aspects of his literary work, social and national activity. Letters, manuscripts, valuable first publications of the writer’s works are showed there. The gramophone record with Stefan Żeromski’s voice is a gem of the collection.

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